Keady Livestock Market
Keady Livestock Market
117012, Grey Road 3, Tara, Ontario, N0H 2N0
Office phone number: 519-934-2339

For Livestock Sale Enquiries; please call the Main Office phone number above or Email:

Beef Ring Start 9:00am / Pigs, Sheep, Goats, Dollar Calves-12 Noon

Next Beef Ring Sale Date - Tuesday, July 30th, 2024 @ 9:00 am - Every Other Week For July & August

Next Hog Barn Sale Date - Tuesday, July 30th, 2024 @ Noon

Weekly Sales Will Continue For The Hog Barn

Keady Vendor Market Information
CONTACT SHARON AT 519-477-0142.

Overnight Stand Calf Catalogue Early Consignments

Upcoming Farm Auctions Upcoming Special Livestock Auctions

Keady Outdoor Market information

For Keady Outdoor Market Vendor enquiries, please send an email to:

"Vendor Agreement for 2024 Available for Download Here"

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